You probably already know that minimalism is great. Just in case you forgot why though: here's a list of 10 ways you can benefit from a minimalist lifestyle.

1. know your priorities  
Minimalism doesn't just apply to material possessions. It also involves all the mental baggage we carry with us every day. We all know the feeling of pressure, expectations, and the fear to fail. But when you realize that you alone can choose the things that matter to you and stop trying to fulfill other peoples expectations, you will get a clearer picture of your own priorities. And the clearer you commit to your priorities, the more success you will have at achieving them.

2. money

This one is literally gold. There is no other lifestyle that will save you as much money as minimalism. Why? Because you will stop spending all your hard-earned coins on unnecessary decorations, low-quality furniture, and soon-out-of-style clothing. Instead, you will focus on a more mindful lifestyle and only buy things that will add value to your life.

3. help the planet

When you buy fewer things, you don't just do your wallet and your own wellbeing a favor. The planet also profits from the minimalist lifestyle: the fewer things are being bought, the fewer things will be produced and the fewer resources are being used in the production process of those items.

4. freedom and space

Minimalism helps you to downsize your belongings, which creates more space in your home and makes it easier to relocate. Just remember the last time you moved from one place to another and imagine how much easier the process would have been if you only had half the packed up boxes and heavy suitcases.

5. time 

The less time you spend mindlessly wandering through shopping malls and cleaning your apartment, the more time you will have for the things that really matter. Is there maybe a hobby that you have been neglecting or would you like to spend more time with friends and family? Whatever it is you want to put your energy in. Minimalism gives you the time to be productive and do the things you actually want to do.

6. calm down

As soon as you transition to a more mindful lifestyle you will become more calm and composed. The direct result of stripping all the excess stuff away is that your mind will finally get some rest. We all deserve some piece of mind.

7. grow as a person 

Having space to actually experience and get to know yourself is quite powerful. You will learn things about yourself and develop in new ways, once you get rid of all the disturbing and unnecessary influences in your life.

8. emotional baggage 

It feels so good to let go of all the negative things that hold you back in life. May it be toxic acquaintances, annoying family members or a job that doesn't make you happy. Minimalism helps you to let go of all the emotional baggage other people and situations can create. I mean, after all, it's your life, right?

9. body image

This one might surprise you: why would a minimalist lifestyle help you to establish a healthy relationship with your body? The answer is simple: it helps you to become more mindful of everyday-life things like shopping and nutrition. Your shopping behavior will not just change when it comes to clothing and necessities, but also when it comes to groceries. When we don't buy the unhealthy food that will drag our mood down, we will start to feel a lot better.

10. enjoy life

The less we clutter our lives with toxic relationships and unnecessary things, the better we will feel. Minimalism is a journey that will lead you through multiple processes of understanding yourself and what makes you happy, better. When you are consistent with it, you will start to feel changes in how you perceive the world around you and how you react to it. In order to live your life to the fullest, you need to give yourself space to actually enjoy each and every moment of it.

Question to you:
Which aspects of minimalism interest you more? The material ones, like decluttering and organizing or the conceptual ones like ethics, productivity, and happiness? Let me know in the comments below!


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