When creating a capsule wardrobe it is very important to consider a few things: first of all, why do you want a capsule? Is it maybe because you are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of close you own and it gives you anxiety to choose what to wear? Or do you want to level up your creativity and play with your wardrobe a little bit to get the most out of it? You should also consider what type of style you want to show to the world. Do do you want to dress elegantly and chic or rather colourful and bold? To help you create the perfect capsule wardrobe, I have written down an 8-step cheat sheet that you can take to make the most out of your capsule.
1. Get all of your clothes in one place. If you have some clothes in the laundry just get them out of there for a moment, so that you can look through all of them at the same time.
2. The first step is to really take an honest look at your wardrobe. How many pieces do you own? How many of them do you wear regularly? Which ones have you never worn out? Which ones have you worn way too often? Is there anything missing in your wardrobe or do you have everything you need already? Try to be honest with yourself and truly assess the state of your wardrobe before going on to the next step.
3. Create a clear vision for what you want your style to look like. Search for inspiration online, in magazines, and even films can be a big inspiration. Collect your impressions and inspiration somewhere and filter out what suits you best.
4. What I recommend, is to try to incorporate items into your capsule that you would normally not wear. I, for example, have a lot of pieces that I have barely worn, but that I really want to wear them more often. That's why I will on purpose include them in my capsule wardrobe contrary to a lot of the advice that I have seen online. Many bloggers advise to put only the basics and the things that you wear the most in your capsule, but I couldn't disagree more. A capsule is a perfect opportunity to really try to break your styling habits and step outside of your comfort zone. It's a great way to be creative with your wardrobe and to try something new.
5. Decide how many items you want to go for. You can still change that number later on, but it is good to start with the clear goal in your head so that the culling will be a lot easier. Consider the season and whether you want to create a seasonal capsule or just a one for the whole year. Also decide whether you will count sportswear and loungewear to your capsule, or if you will just count outfits that you wear to work or out. A lot of people go for 30-something. There is also the famous Project 333 challenge, that yours truly also took part in.
6. Divide your clothes. I would recommend collecting all of your loungewear first and place it separately from the rest. Just by doing that you can see how much loungewear you actually own and then reconsider how much of it you need. You can do the same with gym clothes. After that, you start to separate the rest of your clothes into categories: T-shirts, jeans, trousers, shirts, dresses, jumpers.
7. Put everything into piles and then go through each pile separately. Divide the items you want to donate, sell or keep. Toss the ones that need to go straight into recycling right away. Some shops also offer to take worn clothes and offer coupons in return.
8. When you have separated all of your clothes into different piles, you can assess the size of the 'keep' pile and go through all of those items. How many are there? Too many? Not enough? If necessary repeat step 7 with your 'keep' pile.
Congratulations! You I have created yourself a beautiful capsule wardrobe. You can either store all of the other clothes that are not part of it away or just donate them. But I would recommend to waiting a little bit with the donation since it can always happen that you change your mind about one piece or another after a few weeks and want to switch it out. But if you do not feel the need to switch any of the items in your capsule for a while, then I think it is safe to let go of the rest of your clothes. I hope you liked this guide! Let me know whether you agree on including bold pieces in your capsule in the comments below 🌺
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