1. Find your Ikigai
Don't know what an Ikigai is? Don't worry, I also had no clue about this wonderful self-reflection term that comes from Japan and has been a real gamechanger for me. An Ikigai is basically your calling in life: the sweet-spot between your talents, what the world needs and how you can contribute to it. Aileen from Lavendaire has a great video about this where she explains it way better than I ever could, so make sure to check it out!2. Say No
It's one of my favourite words because it gives me time. Time that I can use to do what I want, instead of being bossed around by other people's expectations and schedules. So next time your neighbor invites you to drink tea with him and his three cats, simply say: 'Unfortunately, I won't be able to join, maybe next time'. Nobody will hold it against you! The less time you spend doing things you don't want to do, the happier you'll be.
3. Goals, goals, goals
The concept of the 90-Day Goal is something I came across very recently and I am absolutely thrilled by it. And at the same time I'm a bit annoyed that I hadn't found it earlier. The idea is that you set yourself different 90-Day Goals and separate them up into smaller sections and deadlines. 'The ladies school of shit-togetherness' (I know, best name ever) has a great blog post and worksheet about the 90-Day Goal so you can go ahead and check it out.4. Two Minutes
Do you have a minute? Or two? Great! That's all you need to get a lot of things done. Small stuff like emptying the dishwasher, delete junk mail or dust that old bookshelf of yours. The secret of the 2-Minute rule is that you have to do those things immediately. Don't wait around or put it on a to-do list, just get those small things done right away, so you won't have to think about them twice. As soon as you apply this to your everyday life, you will start to notice that you will have much more time on your hands to do the things that really matter. You will not be demotivated by thinking something like 'Oh no, I still haven't emptied the dishwasher' three times a day and you will be free to focus on your goals.5. Do it all at once
Now, I have come across many time-saving hacks, but this one is something special. It has allowed me to do one months worth of videos and blog posts in just five days. True story! So let me tell you about the life-changing magic of time batching. The idea is simple: instead of splitting up a task on multiple days or even weeks, you set aside a large block of time and get it done in one sitting. So instead of stressing out twice a week because I have to write, edit and publish a blog post, I decided to write eight blog posts at once. And it worked wonders. I was able to focus completely on this one task so it took me way less time and the quality of my writing also improved, because I was not distracted by anything. So if you want to take something away from this blog post, this might be the most powerful tip I can give you.Bonus Tip:
In the end, it all comes down to your mindset. Are you willing to put in the effort and be patient until you see the first results? There is something really interesting about mindsets. Science has shown that our brains love patterns. If you constantly focus on good and positive things, look for solutions and beauty everywhere, you're brain will actively seek out those good patterns. If you're on the other hand constantly criticising and downtalking things in your mind, your outlook on life will be way more negative. Try to focus on solutions, instead of problems and you're brain will help you to find constructive and positive results, even in very difficult situations.I really hope you liked this blog post! If you want to start your own minimalism journey, you can click this link to get the free 30-day minimalism challenge, that will guide you through all the steps you need to take, to live a more minimalistic life. You can also head over to my YouTube channel and watch my videos about minimalism and how to live your best life. I also love to read your comments, so don't be shy!
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