Don't we all know that feeling of being completely overwhelmed and stressed out from time to time? If you want to organize your life and don't even know where to start I have 5 to-do list ideas that you can do in order to sort through everything and be on top of things again.
But before we start: I know a lot of people love to hand-write their to-do-lists. I'm not one of them. Personally, I feel it's way easier and faster to create digital to-do-lists (i.e. with Trello), but if you are more the pen & paper kind of person, that's fine, too. Just want to give you a heads-up that there will be quite some switching around of your to-do-lists items, so be prepared. Ok, now let's get started with our first list!
I really hope you liked this blog post! If you want to start your own minimalism journey, you can click this link to get the free 30-day minimalism challenge, that will guide you through all the steps you need to take, to live a more minimalistic life. You can also head over to my YouTube channel and watch my videos about minimalism and how to live your best life. I also love to read your comments, so don't be shy!
But before we start: I know a lot of people love to hand-write their to-do-lists. I'm not one of them. Personally, I feel it's way easier and faster to create digital to-do-lists (i.e. with Trello), but if you are more the pen & paper kind of person, that's fine, too. Just want to give you a heads-up that there will be quite some switching around of your to-do-lists items, so be prepared. Ok, now let's get started with our first list!
1. Everything (that's going on in your life)
This list contains literally everything that's going on and takes up mental space. Whether that's the upcoming birthday party you need to buy a dress for or your daily yoga routine, just write it down and collect everything that is going through your head. This step is very important because you will not be completely organized unless you really take the time to go through every little detail of your life.2. Dream big, start small
Now I'm sure that you really gave your best with the 'Everything' list, but I have a feeling, that you forgot some things. Like how about that project you wanted to realize as soon as you had some more time? Or that delicious vegan chocolate bar recipe that you saw on Pinterest? Have you tried that one yet? If not, put it on the 'dream big, start small' list. Basically, everything that inspires and motivates you or that you have been daydreaming about belongs on this list. Because life is more than just a daily list of chores that need to get done, right?3. Don't Wait, Just Do!
Take a good look at your to-do list and mark all those things, that can be done in 2 minutes or less. Take out the trash? Do it! Apply some nail polish? Do it! Light some candles for extra coziness? Do it! Et VoilĂ ! You have already accomplished a bunch of things just by taking charge and not waiting.4. Schedule
Now that we have dealt with the small tasks and have our small and big dreams, events and chores all written down it's time to schedule them. Start with the time-sensitive ones: If that birthday party takes place next weekend you might want to get the shopping done in the next few days. But be realistic: How much can you actually get done in one day or one week? There's nothing as sad as leftover-items on your to-do list that get dragged from one day to the next and never get done. It's important to find a good balance and if in doubt not put too much on your plate. You can always start on tomorrows tasks a day early if you're finished with your to-do list for the day.5. Done
What happens to all the items from your to-do list? Do you just erase them? Delete them? No! You keep them on your personal Done-list for weekly reviews. This is a great reminder of how amazing and productive you have been throughout the week and it keeps you super motivated!I really hope you liked this blog post! If you want to start your own minimalism journey, you can click this link to get the free 30-day minimalism challenge, that will guide you through all the steps you need to take, to live a more minimalistic life. You can also head over to my YouTube channel and watch my videos about minimalism and how to live your best life. I also love to read your comments, so don't be shy!
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